Kin Bees

Award Winning Honey and Hive Management

Hive Talkin with The Honey Sommelier London

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It all started when…

Sarah was introduced to the bee world by her husband Dale Gibson and together they created the London-based sustainable beekeeping practice Bermondsey Street Bees.

Sarah is a professional Honey Sommelier, working with chefs, bartenders and honey producers around the world. A regular contributor to TV, radio and print media, her book  ‘Planting for Honeybees’ is published in five languages. Not only does she know her honey (and is now a Great Taste judge!), she’s a fantastically entertaining public speaker and her knowledge and passion for quality food, and it's production, is transparent in everything she does.

Follow her on Instagram @honeysommelierlondon or find out more at @bstreetbees

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