KIN Beekeeping Experience
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a beekeeper or just love bees (and honey) a kin beekeeping experience is a fact filled fun learing experience for everyone.
Click HERE for more details
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a beekeeper or just love bees (and honey) a kin beekeeping experience is a fact filled fun learing experience for everyone.
Click HERE for more details
Organised by Visit Dunfermline, Bruce Fest was held for the first time in 13 years last June, to mark the 750th anniversary of the Scottish hero's birth.
With jousting, a medieval village, battle re-enactments and fancy dress, there was something for everyone at last year's event. The Dunfermline Bees will be there in their viewing hive and we’ll also have a stall selling our award winning local pure honey.
Our first Dunfermline market of 2025 and it’s right on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and (Weather Permitting) our bee viewing hive so you can get up close to the Dunfermline Bees and see what goes on inside a hive!
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a beekeeper or just love bees (and honey) a kin beekeeping experience is a fact filled fun learing experience for everyone.
Click HERE for more details
We’re in full honey mode and back on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and (Weather Permitting) our bee viewing hive so you can get up close to the Dunfermline Bees and see what goes on inside a hive!
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a beekeeper or just love bees (and honey) a kin beekeeping experience is a fact filled fun learing experience for everyone.
Click HERE for more details
We’re back in our usual spot right on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and (Weather Permitting) our bee viewing hive so you can get up close to the Dunfermline Bees and see what goes on inside a hive!
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a beekeeper or just love bees (and honey) a kin beekeeping experience is a fact filled fun learing experience for everyone.
Click HERE for more details
We’re back in our usual spot right on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and (Weather Permitting) our bee viewing hive so you can get up close to the Dunfermline Bees and see what goes on inside a hive!
Christmas Lights Switch on Day!! We’re back in our usual spot right on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and our Festive Gift Boxes
Our last market of 2025 in our usual spot right on the cobbles outside our beautiful Abbey Church.
I’ll be there with our award winning raw honey, beeswax products and our Festive Gift Boxes